Strategic Planning Workshop

Event Date:

November 21, 2024

Event Time:

9:00 am

Event Location:

PMAP Center

Date: November 21 – 22, 2024 Time: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Fee: Php 11,500.00 – Member + 12% VAT | Php 13,500.00 + 12% VAT – Non Member
Inclusions: Training certificate, training kit, lunch, and AM & PM snacks

Course Description


Strategic planning is the process by which the guiding members of an organization envision its future  and develop the necessary strategies and action steps to achieve that future. A business enterprise will  more likely succeed if its management periodically– 


  1. EVALUATES the organization’s present competitiveness in order take advantage of them; and  works on the organization’s weaknesses to overcome them; 
  2. ANTICIPATES future long-term opportunities posed by conditions outside the organization and plans to take advantage of them while at the same time minimize the adverse effects of the threats posed by these external factors.


Course Objectives

At the conclusion of the two-day workshop, the participants should be able to:

  1. DEFINE strategic planning and strategic management; 
  2. DESCRIBE the role that strategic planning plays in enabling long-term success;
  3. LIST the steps in a model of the Strategic Planning process; 
  4. ESTABLISH a purpose statement, strategic goals, and objectives for an organization;
  5. ANALYZE an organization for present competitive strengths and weaknesses;
  6. SCAN an organization’s external environment for future threats and opportunities that may  affect strategic success; 
  7. LIST a range of strategies available to an organization; 
  8. DEMONSTRATE the ability to APPLY the skills necessary to formulate, implement, and evaluate a  strategic plan.


  1. Creating the environment for learning 

       1.2 Purpose and objectives of the workshop 

       1.3 Participants’ objectives of the workshop

  1. Overview 

        2.2.1 Definitions: Strategy, Strategic Planning 

        2.2.2 Brief review of the history and background of Strategic Planning 

        2.2.3 The Strategic Planning Model 

  1. Strategic Planning Steps 

        3.2.1 Establishing organizational purpose 

        3.2.2 Establishing goals and objectives 

        3.2.3 Analyzing organizational strengths and weaknesses 

        3.2.4 Scanning the environment 

        3.2.5 Considering the range of strategies available to an organization 

        3.2.6 Selecting a strategy based on comparison of strengths and weaknesses, environmental  threats and opportunities 

        3.2.7 Implementing organizational strategy 

        3.2.8 Evaluating the strategy

  1. Summary of Strategic Planning Workshop 

        4.2 Action Planning by participants on how to transfer learning 

        4.3 Workshop Evaluation 




–Various learning methods and techniques appropriate for adult learners will be employed. Depending  on the nature of a specific session, techniques and methods such as: group discussions, lecturettes,  simulation exercises, instrumentation, action planning, etc. will be utilized in a balanced and synergistic  manner.


Program Disclaimer:

– We will send a confirmation email with the details and instructions to the participant one (1) business day for online training and (3) business days for face-to-face training before the scheduled date of the program if it will push through or not. All training programs are subject to change depending on the number of confirmed participants. This will not be a liability from our end.
– For participants requiring booking flights and accommodation, please kindly wait for our confirmation if the training will push through. Again, this will not be a liability from our end.
– For cancellation three working days before the scheduled training you need to pay 50% of the total investment fee.

For other queries, you may contact Ms. Lalaine Benitez at

Register Now:

Ticket Type: Ticket Qty: Per Ticket Price:
50 Left:
Ticket Qty:
Per Ticket Price: 13,500.00
Quantity: (VAT not yet included) Subtotal:


  • PMAP Center
  • 670 Lee
  • Mandaluyong

Event Schedule Details

  • November 21, 2024 9:00 am   -   5:00 pm
  • November 22, 2024 9:00 am   -   5:00 pm
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