August 2, 2025
9:00 am
Hybrid Set up
The Certificate in Human Resource Planning & Acquisition (CHRPA) introduces the value of manpower planning as a strategic business tool that goes beyond mere forecasting of numbers and recruitment as more than just hiring people. At the end of the course, participants are expected to know how to do the following:
a. Use statistical and non-quantitative tools in forecasting and projecting manpower changes in their organization;
b. Prepare a manpower plan that takes into account business directions of their organization as well as trends in their manpower movements;
c. Prepare effective recruitment programs and tools;
d. Draft dimensions for their recruitment and selection activities;
e. Conduct selection techniques that are fair, legal, and effective;
f. Conduct behavior- and competency- based interviews;
g. Illustrate the various elements of their recruitment and selection programs as a whole system.
a. Introduction to HR Planning and Acquisition
b. Organization Design
c. Human Resource Planning
d. Recruitment Strategies
e. Selection Strategies
f. Interviewing Techniques
g. Placement and Induction
h. Integration
For more details you may contact Ms. Gia Nosares at