Dear PMAPer, We are pleased to share with you the President’s Report for the month of March 2025. For reference, you may read and download the file below: March President's ReportDownload Upcoming Events [event-list show='3' style='grid']
Dear PMAPer, We are pleased to share with you the President’s Report for the month of January and February 2025. For reference, you may read and download the file below: VJANUARY - FEBRUARY PRESIDENT'S REPORTDownload Upcoming Events [event-list show='3' style='grid']
Dear PMAPer, We are pleased to share with you the President’s Report for the month of November 2024. For reference, you may read and download the file below: PRESIDENT'S REPORT_NOVEMBER GMMDownload Upcoming Events [event-list show='3' style='grid']
Dear PMAPer, We are pleased to share with you the President’s Report for the month of September 2024. For reference, you may read and download the file below: PRESIDENT_S REPORT_SEPTEMBER GMM (1)Download Upcoming Events [event-list show='3' style='grid']
Dear PMAPer, We are pleased to share with you the President’s Report for the month of August 2024. For reference, you may read and download the file below: PRESIDENT'S REPORT_AUGUST_finalDownload Upcoming Events [event-list show='3' style='grid']
Dear PMAPer, We are pleased to share with you the President’s Report for the month of July 2024. For reference, you may read and download the file below: PRESIDENT_S REPORT_JULYDownload Upcoming Events [event-list show='3' style='grid']
Dear PMAPer, We are pleased to share with you the President’s Report for the month of June 2024. For reference, you may read and download the file below: PRESIDENT_S-REPORT_JUNEDownload Upcoming Events [event-list show='3' style='grid']