GRATEFUL AND MOVING ON. A very eventful 2023 is over and optimism is high for the Year of the Dragon. The ingredients of success are ripe for the picking and finding the right mix is just a determined plan away.
We learned not to take things for granted as well as making sure that our commitments to serve remain steadfast. PMAP celebrated bigger milestones as IPP Beth Nasol turns over the top leadership to freshly minted Cebu-based president Michael Godinez. Excitement is in the air but what is reassuring is the brand of leadership PMAP espouses as it aims to forge ahead even stronger.
On a personal note, allow me to thank everyone for all the support through the three years that I have served as this online magazine’s Editor-in-Chief. It has truly been rewarding and unforgettable. It is therefore an honor to welcome the incoming EIC and the new team.
PMAP’s Branding, Marketing & Communication (BMC), as advocate for growth and succession, is welcoming a new generation of devoted artists and writers with fresh ideas and approaches. Change offers a well of hope and possibilities. Communication will remain a big challenge for leaders and finding new media and tools to deliver relevance, actionable steps and inspiration shall remain a priority.
So here’s to the best of 2024!
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