Recommendations For HR During The Coronavirus Pandemic

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. COVID-19 is a new strain that was discovered in 2019 and has not been previously identified in humans.What are the signs and symptoms...

Bawal Judgemental (Handling Unconscious Biases In The Workplace)

What a way to end the work week. People managers and HR practitioners learned from the industry leaders and fellow attendees how to manage biases in their organizations during the interactive gamified PMAP's special earning session "Bawal Judgemental: Handling Unconscious Biases in the Workplace." The speakers are 2020 PMAP Trustee...

Salary And Benefits Benchmarking Learning Session 2020

Salary and Benefits Benchmarking Learning Session 2020 Salary and Benefits Benchmarking Learning Session 2020 Select people managers from various companies, and industries gathered to attend the salary and benefits benchmarking session facilitated by Mr. Bobby Marquez, Lead Consultant of the research. Highlighted points include the merits of the objectivity of...

PMAP’S Academe-Industry Committee

PMAP’s Academe-Industry Committee In its thrust to advance sound people management, PMAP’s Academe-Industry Committee convened and shared insights on how the strategic position of human resources may be leveraged to strengthen the employability skills of our talents today and prepare them for the jobs of the future. Zeroing in on...

Labor Policy Reforms And Industrial Relations (LPRIR) Committee

With its firm commitment to provide better services to its members, PMAP’s Labor Policy Reforms and Industrial Relations (LPRIR) Committee gathered together to discuss its plans and programs for the year 2020. Joining us in the round table discussion to pitch in ideas are PMAP members led by Executive Director...

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