CIRCULAR NO. :2023 - 072TO :PMAP MEMBERSDATE :08 November 2023SUBJECT :PMAP Labor Law Updates on Social Regulations and Labor Case Digest Volume 1 Issue 74 Dear PMAPer, We are pleased to share with you the labor law updates on social regulations and labor case digest prepared by our...
CIRCULAR NO. :2023 - 071TO :PMAP MEMBERSDATE :26 October 2023SUBJECT :PMAP Labor Law Updates on Social Regulations and Labor Case Digest Volume 1 Issue 73 Dear PMAPer, We are pleased to share with you the labor law updates on social regulations and labor case digest prepared by our...
Dear PMAP members, During the September board meeting, Secretary Lily Quintans proposed that the PMAP membership categories be limited to A. Charter, B. Corporate, C. Chapter and D. Individual. The Advocate membership classification will be abolished. Under the by laws, an advocate is any individual or institution which registers itself...
Last Oct. 19, the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) and Far Eastern University (FEU) teamed up in a collaborative effort to advance education and professional development in the field of Human Resource Management. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed, solidifying the commitment of both organizations to work...
CIRCULAR NO. :2023 - 068TO :PMAP MEMBERSDATE :20 October 2023SUBJECT :PMAP Labor Law Updates on Social Regulations and Labor Case Digest Volume 1 Issue 72 Dear PMAPer, We are pleased to share with you the labor law updates on social regulations and labor case digest prepared by our...
CIRCULAR NO. :2023 - 067TO :PMAP MEMBERSDATE :18 October 2023SUBJECT :DOLE Labor Advisory No. 2023-0024 PAYMENT OF WAGES FOR SPECIAL (NON-WORKING) DAYS ON OCTOBER 30, 2023, NOVEMBER 1 & 2, AND REGULAR HOLIDAY ON NOVEMBER 27, 2023 Dear PMAPer, The following Labor Advisory released by the Department...
CIRCULAR NO. :2023 - 066TO :PMAP MEMBERSDATE :16 October 2023SUBJECT :PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION No. 368 s. 2023 DECLARING THE REGULAR HOLIDAYS AND SPECIAL (NON-WORKING) DAYS FOR THE YEAR 2024 Dear PMAPer, The following Proclamation No. 368, series of 2023 released by the Office of the President, contains information...